
Goodrich Community Primary School

Lunch Menu


lunch menu autumn term 24 25.pdf


Packed lunches

Please be aware that some items are not allowed in children’s packed lunches. This is because we are a Healthy School, and we want children to eat a nutritious and balanced lunch that sustains them throughout the afternoon.

Packed lunches should contain a main item, such as a sandwich, wrap, rice or pasta salad, some fruit or vegetables and another snack such as crackers and cheese or a yoghurt.

We do understand that when children have a packed lunch for a school trip they consider this a treat and this is reflected in the guidelines below.

For school trips please do not include; nuts or nut products, e.g. peanut butter, grapes, sweets, chocolate bars (biscuits with some chocolate coating are acceptable) or fizzy drinks.

For daily packed lunches in school please do not include; any drink other than water, nuts or nut products, grapes, sweets, crisps, cake, sweet biscuits or chocolate bars of any sort.

Children bringing the above items in their lunches will not be allowed to eat them in school.

Please note that the above guidelines also apply to any snacks bought in for activities.