Remote Learning at Goodrich

Please read below our contingency plans for remote/ blended education, should pupils be required to access this due to needing to self-isolate, or in the event of a bubble or whole school closure.

If an individual or family has to self-isolate:

If your child is off school due to needing to isolating and  they are well enough to do work, we will provide home learning for them to complete via email. Please contact the school office who will arrange for this to be sent out. Children should also focus on their homework grids and reading daily.

If a class group bubble has to self-isolate:

If Public Health close one or more of our bubbles, or we are under a local lockdown and asked to close, home learning will be provided by email for the first 2 days  and then school website will be used to provide their home learning. Children should also focus on their homework grids and reading daily.

If the school has to close:

In the event of a whole school closure, we will revert to providing home learning via the school website as per the first national lockdown. If we are required to make provision for Key Worker/ Vulnerable children in school, they will follow the same learning plan as those children at home.